SHELBY - At its Dec. 9 council meeting, the Shelby Village Council adopted a new fee schedule, set to take effect March 1, 2025. The last time village fees were updated was in 2021. Changes to the new fee schedule include these notable changes: business license fees have been removed, parking tickets were raised to $50 (formerly $10), some permits within the Planning and Zoning category increased and rental for the new Getty Park and Rail Trail pavilions has been raised from $25 to $50 ($100 for non-residents). Getty Field rental remains at $25.
While there are rental ordinance fees on the updated schedule, the village has been without anyone to enforce them for several years. Village Administrator Phil Morse is aware of the situation and has plans to work on filling the vacancy in the coming months.
In other business, the council approved a set-back amendment to the Shelby Acres PUD (Planned Unit Development). Now that Phases 1 and 2 are nearing completion, developers are looking ahead to Phase 3. It is estimated the amendment would affect approximately five homes in Phase 3 of the development.
Original engineer and architect plans were drawn up based on the land survey, said Morse’s memo to council. “The key is elevation. It doesn’t work when it’s drawn,” he said. Changes in elevation weren’t taken into consideration. In order to construct the number of homes planned and maintain the design and feel of the development, setback adjustments are required.
An addition to the agenda involved a revote on a resolution, approved at the last council meeting, to divide lots on Elliot Street owned by Todd Fox. Council member Dan Zaverl moved to rescind the previously passed resolution of Nov. 25 and wished to abstain from a revote. After the Nov. 25 meeting, Zaverl thought perhaps his voting on the resolution could be seen as a conflict of interest. He said no one has said anything, but he doesn’t want there to be any conflict of interest, given Todd Fox is his boss, and Zaverl used to live in the house on the lot that was split. Councilor Mike Termer supported the motion. “Good to be on the safe side, be transparent,” said Village President John Sutton. Councilors Zaverl, Termer, Steve Crothers, Crystal Heykoop, Curt Trott and Sutton all voted in favor of rescinding the approved resolution. Council member Samantha Gottschalk was absent. The motion was rescinded.
Then Termer moved, and Crothers gave support to re-approve the stated resolution to divide lots on Elliot Street. Voting in favor of the motion were Termer, Crothers, Heykoop, Trott and Sutton. Zaverl abstained, and Gottschalk was absent. The motion was approved.
In his village administrator’s report, Morse shared a brief slide presentation he gave at a recent Village of Shelby employee meeting highlighting the importance of creating a village culture that is safe and appealing to everyone. He emphasized that the way village employees interact with one another and other village residents will ultimately affect that culture. Morse went on to encourage a professional environment where every staff member goes above and beyond and believes the best in each other. He also said that all employees and council need to consider themselves educators when it comes to village procedures and protocols. Tone of voice, language and what is said are all important when working around or speaking directly with the public. He closed his presentation by challenging everyone with these questions: “Do you build people up or tear them down? Do you make them feel better?”
Postscript: The village’s Redevelopment Ready Community (RRC) designation is already paying dividends. Morse was notified Monday, Dec. 16, the village had been awarded a Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA), Housing Readiness Incentive Grant totalling $36,000. More information on this award will be forthcoming, but for now Morse shared, “This approved grant will pay for our master plan and zoning ordinance update in 2025!”