The Montague Township board suggested at Tuesday’s regular monthly meeting that the township add an informational shadowbox to put outside the township hall for community updates. The idea for the info box would be that the text is big enough for residents to be able to view and read things while just driving by. The hope is that this would increase effective communication with the community.
The board also discussed a potential purchase of a television for presentations at township meetings, as well as adding a railing on the ramp outside of the township hall for safety. The board plans to donating the remainder of last year's senior millage allocation, $2,687, to the senior center. Township board members are brainstorming more usage ideas for the new senior millage allocation.
Board members voted to fix and replace the current light fixtures in the township hall, including adding light fixtures to the basement. They will be going through Korthase and Sons, and it is estimated to cost $2,900.
The township was also approached by a White Lake resident proposing an adult soccer league that would run mid-June to August. The resident proposed utilizing the Montague Township soccer fields, but board members expressed concerns about scheduling conflicts with other leagues. There are multiple children's teams who utilize the fields frequently, making up approximately 700 kids, along with an already existing informal adult league that meets each Sunday. Although the resident offered payment for usage, board members fear that accepting payments for usage of the fields would affect township residents who want to casually use the parks and fields. They requested more information, such as how large the league would be, preferred dates and times for play and practice, and how frequently the league would use the field before making an official decision.