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The Oceana Echo
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Sunday, March 9, 2025
The Oceana Echo

Discussions continue on potential Whitehall Twp. development; lead developer shares frustrations with process

WHITEHALL — The Whitehall Township planning commission made an amendment to Article 17C during its Wednesday meeting, giving final approval of commission proposals to the township board.
The commission will continue to do research and present facts and recommendations to the board, but felt it's made recent decisions that are better left to the board's approval, especially involving land and building permits. The amendment will go to the county for approval before it's presented to the board.
Also during the meeting, planning commission member Carmen Rodriguez shared communication from Kyle Zack, a Whitehall High School alum and lead developer of the new Hickory Place planned unit development the commission has been considering the past several months. In the email, Zack voiced his frustration with the commission regarding the speed of permit approvals. He said he feels that every meeting, he receives new questions and that they are “going backwards instead of forwards” in the process. Going forward, he requested commissioners reach out to him directly with any questions they may have.
Rodriguez voiced her distaste for the email, stating she dislikes the general tone of it and finds it frustrating that Zack himself, who is based in Utah, has not made a physical appearance at any of the township meetings; a representative has come to the meetings in Zack's place to write down the commission and attendees' questions. Rodriguez, along with other commissioners, agreed Zack should come to the township that he wants to build in and talk with the residents himself.
Zack’s email also shared his frustration that the township has not approved anything within the past year, although township records show his proposal was submitted nine months ago.
The main concern for the commission and residents has been whether the new development would be able to use Whitehall city water or construct wells for each home. Zack has said his company would be willing to build wells, but both options would be costly. The commission is also worried about Zack's questioning what would happen to the first lots he breaks ground on if the project falls through.
No further decisions have been made and the commission has tabled discussion on the matter until its next meeting April 2. Commissioners have said although they have read Zack’s email, they do not care about his frustrations, because their priority is to ensure all residents and commissioners' questions are answered before approving any permits.